Step 1
To set up the Rasberry Pi 5 some material need to be gathered:
- Raspberry Pi (better if used with a case)
- Power suply for Raspberry
- MicroSD card (minimum 32GB)
- MicroSD card reader
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- Monitor (HDMI-compatible)
- HDMI to micro-HDMI cable)
- Computer
Step 2
In order to be able to use the Raspberry Pi, an Operating Sistem must be installed.
- Visit the official Raspberry Pi website:
- Download the Raspberry Pi Imager on your computer.
Step 3
Insert the MicroSD card into the Micro SD card reader. Plug it on to your computer.
Launch the Raspberry Pi Imager app.
Choose the correct device, in this case Raspberry Pi 5
Choose the Operating System to download → A menu with multiple options will be displayed, select the one that you wish to download. In this case, Kali was chosen.
Choose the MicroSD card as the storage.
Click “next” top flash the OS into the MicroSD card.
Step 4
To boot up the Raspberry Pi, the following steps must be followed:
- Insert the MicroSD card into the Raspberry Pi.
- Connect the monitor, keyboard and mouse to the raspberry.
- Plug in the power suply to boot the Raspberry Pi.
- Follow the on-screen setup or if using Kali as the OS, wait until the setup is completed.
- If using Kali:
- Username: kali
- Password: kali
- If using Kali:
Step 5
In order to be able to user the Raspbery Pi, a Wifi connection needs to be set up.
- The Security needs to be set to: WPA & WPA2 Enterprise
- The Authentication needs to be set to: Protected EAP (PEAP)
- Click on “No CA certificate is required”
- The PEAP version need to be set to: Automatic
- The Inner Authentication need to be set on: MSCHAPv2
Lastly, insert you username and password and click on “Connect”.